2024 – what lies ahead?

Honestly, I cannot believe its February already, how did that happen? But at the same time, January felt never-ending, even with the first two weeks in USA. That last half of the month dragged like I don't know what... but here I sit on Feb 3rd, thinking how are we in February. And one month... Continue Reading →

And so I return…

Wow! It's been such a long time since I last wrote here. I kept meaning too, but life got in the way, and so much has changed since I was last here... its mad! I've felt the calling to write more again lately, but been on holiday having the most amazing time in USA with... Continue Reading →

brain dump…

I haven't written for so long now, it is one of those things i keep telling myself i should do - because i know i feel better when I do, but at the same time, i just haven't wanted to face my emotions. And then this last couple of days it's all just hit me... Continue Reading →

Writer’s block

I had had so much going on in my head the last few months, but seriously struggled with how to get it out of my head and into words. Actual words. Words that make sense... and I am not even sure I can do it now, but as 2020 starts to reach it's end... I... Continue Reading →

Late night reflections

Quite a lot has changed this year... it's not just the fact that we have a global pandemic happening - which appears to have no end in sight. It's that I feel I have had a shift in perspective which I have noticed a lot over the last few weeks - perhaps couple of months.... Continue Reading →

Lockdown love…

No.. this isn't a post about how I have somehow managed to fall in love during lockdown - I mean I have tried - but thats another story... this is about how during lockdown I have actually found the peace within. Don't get me wrong - it was really really ropey to start with -... Continue Reading →

Another sleepless night…

It's not the pandemic that's causing the lack of sleep tonight... it's the thoughts and wonderings of where I actually go wrong with trusting people. I've always been an open and honest person, totally heart on sleeve and what you see is what you get. I care for people, too much sometimes, I believe people... Continue Reading →

Saturday Musings

It's been a while since I have written... I don't even know why it has been, it doesn't seem like that much time has passed - but it has. I've felt a bit lost this week and really realised how much writing helps me to get clarity and realise what I am doing well and... Continue Reading →

It’s been a while…

Sometimes I don't even know where to begin with writing how I feel, its strange because I am a person who finds writing as an outlet, it helps me just release all the emotions and feelings I have onto a page and to help move forwards. This last month or so since I was home... Continue Reading →

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